Saturday, June 13, 2020

Tup's Indispensable

Tup's Indispensable

Hook - Standard dry fly 
Thread -Yellow.
Tails - Blue dun, Honey Dun, Brassy Dun, Ginger (depicted)
Tip – Yellow thread
* Body - A dubbing mixture with a very faint light red color consisting of wool from the scrotum of a ram, crème-colored unborn seal’s fur and the same dyed red as well as yellow and a little wool from a lemon-colored Cocker Spaniel
Hackle - Blue dun, Honey Dun, Brassy Dun, Ginger (depicted)

* Obviously, the body dubbing mentioned above wasn’t used to tie this fly. I merely hand mixed red, cream, burnt orange wool with a little yellow rabbit fur to achieve the pinkish colored dubbing.

The urine stained wool from the scrotum of a ram was definitely not used. What in the hell was the originator thinking when he blended those materials?

1 comment:

Christopher Hubert said...

Very nice tie. Not just what was he thinking when he blended those materials but I would buy the beer and popcorn to watch someone acquire that special ram's wool!