Friday, February 11, 2011

Telephone Box Streamer

Converting a Ray Bergman wet fly to a streamer.

Using white thread, lay down a thread base to the bend of the hook

Tie in the Golden Pheasant Tippets for the tail

Tie in the peacock herls and wrap the butt as shown

Advance the thread in touching turns to the eye of the hook and tie in the black ultra wire for the rib and the orange floss for the body

Wrap the thread toward the bend of the hook and wrap back forward to the eye of the hook building a smooth under body of thread

Wrap the orange floss forward for the body

Rib the body with the black ultra wire in 5 approximately equal turns

Switch the tying thread from white to black

Tie in brown hackle fibers or schlappen for the throat

Tie in the red squirrel tail fibers for the wing

Trim off thread and cement the head

Tail - Golden pheasant tippet
Butt - Peacock herl
Body - Orange floss
Rib - Black floss
Throat - Brown hackle
Wing - Natural red squirrel tail


  1. Nice fly.
    Thanks for the tying sequence.

  2. Reminds me of my friend John H. back in the 80's we'd compare notes on the various wetfly patterns in Bergman's book, but our objective was transforming them into Steelhead flies...

    I need to tye up some of these, they'll work on Eastern Sierra Brown Trout...

    Thank You,
    DEAN ~~~
