Monday, March 27, 2017

Alaska Mary Ann "Bucktail"

Alaska Mary Ann "Bucktail" ("bucktail" is what its called in the books)

Alaska Mary Ann Bucktail

Tail - Red hackle fibers

Body - Ivory or light tan silk floss

Rib - Medium flat silver tinsel (optional)

Wing - White polar bear

Cheek - Jungle cock

Attributed to Frank Dufresne

Streamers & Bucktails - Joseph D Bates Jr


  1. Perfectly tied example, and my personal favorite "bucktail". Nicely tied and photographed Normand as all your flies are. Respectfully enjoying your blog, Thank You.

  2. Thank you for the nice comment. More tying to come.

  3. Definitely a nice example Normand. The Alaska Mary Ann is the official fly of the Alaska Flyfishers. The book "Fly Patterns of Alaska" published by Frank Amato has this to say:"For many years Eskimo women in the Kotzebue area have used small jig, call the "Kobuk Hook" to jig for char and sheefish throug the ice. It is made from a sliver of ivory, a bent and sharpened nail, and some polar bear hair...According to one story, the fly was named for the Eskimo lady who gave Dufresne the fly, and whose name was Mary Ann."

    As a past member of the Alaska Flyfishers I can attest to at least the official fly part; I've got a 1974 vintage patch that shows it (I'll see if I can post it). Best regards, Greg.
