Thursday, February 6, 2025



Thread - Black

Rib - Oval silver

Body - Flat silver tinsel

Underbelly - White bucktail

Wing - Green over orange bucktail

Cheek - Jungle cock

Forgotten Flies - Schmookler & Sils

Tying Note

May also use black over white painted eyes if no jungle cock is available.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Silver Salmon

Silver Salmon

Thread - Black

Tail - 2 yellow hackle tips

Body - Yellow Floss

Rib - Flat silver tinsel

Throat - Yellow hackle, collared and tied back

Wing - 4 white hackles

Cheek - Jungle Cock

Streamer Fly Tying and Fishing - Joseph D Bates Jr

Silver Ghost

Silver Ghost

Thread - Black

Tail - Yellow hackle barbs

Body - Flat silver tinsel

Rib - Oval silver tinsel

Wing - 4 white hackles

Throat - Yellow hackle

Cheek - Jungle Cock

Trolling Flies for Trout and Salmon - Stewart & Leeman

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Silver Knight Streamer

Silver Knight Streamer 

Hook - Mustad Viking 79580 No.6 

Thread - Black

Tail - Golden pheasant tippets

Rear Half of Body - Flat silver tinsel 

Front Half of Body - Red wool 

Rib - Flat silver tinsel 

Hackle - Black  

Wing - Bronze mallard flank feather

This classic Scottish pattern is basically the same fly as the Peter Ross, with the replacement of the teal wing with one of the barred bronze mallard flank feather. The fly is closely related to the Teal and Red. It is derived from a centuries old pattern known as Franck’s Glittering Fly. The pattern, tied in various sizes, imitates small minnows, and is effective on all trout species.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Old Blue Dun

Old Blue Dun

Hook - Wet or dry 12-16

Thread - Primrose

Tail - Two or three rusty-dun hackle fibers

Rib - One strand of silk buttonhole twist – Coats and Clark’s 72-A primrose, size D; or full twist, tightly twisted

Body - Muskrat dubbed on primrose Pearsall’s Gossamer Silk, wrapped so that some silk shows through the dubbing at the tail end

Friday, January 24, 2025

Starling & Purple

Starling & Purple

Hook - Ahrex LE810

Thread - Purple

Body - Tying thread

Thorax - Peacock herl

Hackle - Starling

Sorry, I don't tie with silk threads. Fish can't tell the difference

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Double Rib Chironomid

Double Rib Chironomid

Hook - Curved

Bead - Black

Thread - Your choice of color

Breather - White uni stretch

Ribbing - Red and silver wire or your choice of colors

Body - Tying thread

Collar - Orange thread

Jack Shaw’s Quill Body Chironomid

Jack Shaw’s Quill Body Chironomid

Hook - Curved

Thread - Brown

Ribbing - Gold wire

Body - Stripped peacock eye quill

Wing case - Pheasant tail

Breathers - White uni stretch

Thorax - Peacock herl

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Snow Goose

Snow Goose

Austin Hogan

Hook - Streamer

Thread - Black

Tag - Silver tinsel

Tail - Barred wood duck

Butt - Black wool

Body - 3/4 red floss, 1/4 black wool

Throat - Black hackle

Wing - White calf tail, on either side of which is a section of white goose

Streamer Fly Tying & Fishing - Joseph D Bates Jr

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Binns Streamer

Binns Streamer

Hook - Streamer
Thread - Black
Tail - Red over white duck or goose quills sections
Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel
Body - Flat silver tinsel (sometimes yellow wool is used)
Throat - Red and white hackle, mixed
Wing - Strip of white goose married between 2 sections of yellow goose
Shoulder - Guinea hen breast feathers

Created by Frier Guilline

Forgotten Flies - Schmookler and Sils

Binns Streamer

Hook - Streamer
Thread - Black
Tail - A section of a red and of a white duck or goose wing feather, rather long and thin
Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel
Body - Flat silver tinsel (sometimes yellow wool is used)
Throat - Two or three turns of a red and white saddle hackle, tied on mixed together as a collar and then tied downward
Wing - in two matched pairs, each a section of a white goose wing married between two sections of yellow goose wing, the three sections being equal in width. The wing is tied slightly longer than the tail.
Shoulder - Guinea hen breast feathers

Originated by Mr. Frier Guilline, of Fin, Fur and Feather Ltd, for Mr. J Binns in 1937. 
It was originally tied as a trout fly and was adapted as a streamer in 1940.

Streamer Fly Tying & Fishing - Joseph D Bats Jr

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Forget Me Knot Midge

Forget Me Knot Midge

Hook - Curved

Thread - Black

Abdomen and head - 14-inch piece of Amnesia, knotted and melted

Thorax - Superfine dubbing

Friday, January 3, 2025

Red Ant

Red Ant

Thread - White under floss body, black head

Tail - Golden pheasant tippet

Butt - Peacock herl

Hackle - Brown

Wing - Natural gray duck or goose quill segments

Popular Fly Patterns - Terry Hellekson

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Hewitt Nymph

Hewitt Nymph

Hewitt Nymph #1

Hook - Wet fly

Thread - Black

Rib - Black thread

Body - White silk for the belly and brown silk for the back

The body is covered with varnish and crushed to form a rather flat body

Hackle - Black hackle and cut on the top and bottom

Hewitt Nymph #2 (shown)

Hook - Wet fly

Thread - Black

Tail - Black

Rib - Black thread

Body - A shiny yellow silk and a brown silk for the back

The body is covered with varnish and crushed with pliers to form a flat, triangular bod

Hackle - Black hackle cut on the top and bottom.

Hewitt Nymph #3

Hook - Wet fly

Thread - Black

Tail - Black

Rib - Black thread

Body - Grey bristle with a brown bristle on the back

The body is covered with varnish and crushed with pliers to form a flat, triangular body.

Hackle - Black hackle, cut, on top and bottom

Hewitt Hardbody Nymph | The Tying Bench | Fiberglass Flyrodders

Hewitt Hardbody Nymph - The Fly Tying Bench - Fly Tying

Nymph fishing in America

Trout - Ray Bergman

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Gray Dun

Gray Dun

Tip - Silver

Body - Gray dubbing

Hackle - Light gray

Wing - Slate duck or goose quill segments

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth

Saturday, December 28, 2024



Body - Yellow floss

Wing - Mallard flank tied flat

Hackle - Deep blue

Friday, December 27, 2024

Great Dun

Great Dun

Tail - Brown mallard (aka bronze mallard)

Body - Brown dubbing

Hackle - Gray (aka grizzly)

Wing - Slate duck or goose quill segments

Authors note - Also made with list hackle - (aka badger)

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Orange Asher Variation

Orange Asher


Harry K Cameron

Tail - Dark Grizzly

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Orange floss

Hackle Dark grizzly

#popsflies Instagram

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Devil's Spouse

Devil's Spouse

Harry K Cameron

Tail - Golden pheasant tippets

Body - Black and red floss, slender

Hackle - Black and red

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Green Nymph

Green Nymph

Harry K Cameron

Tail - Green⁠

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Green

Hackle - Green⁠

Willow - Colorado Western

Willow - Colorado Western

Tip - Gold tinsel

Tail - Brown hackle

Body - Gray chenille

Hackle - Brown

Wing - Gray or black

May also be tied as a dry fly. However, chenille will soak up water.

#Popsflies Instagram