Monday, March 21, 2022

Borcher's Drake

Borcher's Drake

Hook - Mustad 94840, 94833 or equivalent, size 8-16
Thread - Black 
Tail - 3 moose mane hairs, tied slightly long
Body - Turkey quill fibers (I used original condor fibers)
Wing - Light blue dun hackle tips, upright & divided
Hackle - Grizzly & brown, mixed (I used original brown)

This fly was originated by Anne Schwiegert, who ran a fly shop in Roscommon. The original hackle was brown, and the original body was condor quill fibers. Ernie Borcher, an AuSable river guide, added the grizzly hackle to the brown and it then became known as the Borchers's Drake. Tied spent wing it's known as Borcher's Special. 

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