Joe Brooks
Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - Red
Tail - Grizzly hen hackle fibers
Body - Mix of olive, orange, yellow and white rabbit fur dubbing
Hackle - Grizzly hen
Wing - White calf tail
The Classic Wet Fly Box - Mike Valla
Joe Brooks
Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - Red
Tail - Grizzly hen hackle fibers
Body - Mix of olive, orange, yellow and white rabbit fur dubbing
Hackle - Grizzly hen
Wing - White calf tail
The Classic Wet Fly Box - Mike Valla
Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tail - Peacock sword fibers
Ribbing - Flat silver tinsel
Body - Olive floss or uni stretch
Hackle - Dark brown hen
Wing - Peacock sword fibers
The Classic Wet Fly Box - Mike Valla
Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tail - Peacock sword fibers
Tag - Flat silver tinsel, 2 turns
Ribbing - Flat silver tinsel
Body - Brown wool
Hackle - Black hen
Wing - Peacock sword fibers
The Classic Wet Fly Box - Mike Valla
Black Spider
Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Body - Black floss or uni stretch
Hackle - Black hen
The Classic Wet Fly Box - Mike Valla
Rube Cross
Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tail - Grizzly ("Gray") hen hackle fibers
Body - Muskrat
Hackle - Grizzly ("Gray") hen
The Classic Wet Fly Box - Mike Valla
Blue Zulu
Hook - Mustad 3399,3906 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tail - Red yarn
Ribbing - Oval or flat silver tinsel
Body - Black yarn or dubbing
Hackle - Black hen
Front Hackle - Blue hen
Hook - Mustad 3399,3906 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tail - Red yarn
Ribbing - Oval or flat silver tinsel
Body - Black yarn or dubbing
Hackle - Black hen
Soft Hackle Wet Fly
Burr Sherwood Originator
Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tail - Dun hen hackle fibers
Body - Orange floss or wool
Hackle - Dun hen
The Classic Wet Fly Box - Mike Valla
Blue Maxwell
Soft Hackle Fly Pattern
Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tag - Silver tinsel
Ribbing - Silver tinsel
Body - Gray uni stretch
Hackle - Blue hen
The Classic Wet Fly Box - Mike Valla
Hook – Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - Black
Body - Black floss
Wing - Fluorescent green floss
Collar - Black hen hackle
Hook – Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - Black
Body - Black floss
Wing - Fluorescent fire orange floss
Collar - Black hen hackle
Hook – Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - Black
Body - Black floss
Wing - Fluorescent green floss under fluorescent fire orange
Collar - Black hen hackle
It was in the Godbout River that Lucie Hallé used for the first time, and successfully, the three flies of her creation called the Cobbler's Trilogy. According to this Lévisienne who is a fan of fly fishing and a recognized mountain biker in the Quebec City area, these artificial ones have paid dividends to her in all the salmon rivers she has frequented. Lucie founded in 1984, with a dozen fly fishing enthusiasts, the Plume au Vent club.
» Text & Photo: Gilles Aubert (June 2005).
» Sentier Chasse & Pêche magazine.
Created by Arne Olav Stensby
Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tail - Grizzly cock hackle point
Body - Light gray rabbit dubbing
Rib - Oval silver tinsel
Hackle - Grizzly hen hackle
Fly2000 App Pattern Database
Norwegian for The Little Grey Fergie
Black Mike
Michael Brislain
Tag - Flat gold
Tail - Golden
pheasant crest
Ribbing - Flat gold
or silver tinsel
Body - Black wool
Wing - Gray squirrel
Collar - Orange hackle
Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson
Newfoundland Fish-Fly
Basil Vokey Originator
Hook - Streamer 3XL, no. 2-8
Thread - Black
Tag - Fine gold tinsel
Tail - Red under white hackle fibers
Rib - Gold tinsel
Body - Golden yellow wool
Throat: Blue hackle fibers
Wing - Red under white calf tail
Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul C Marriner
...a periodic inspection of your fly tying feathers for BUGS!
I recently went to use a whiting farms red hen cape and found it was infested with larvae of some kind. They were about 1/4 inch long and wiggling
After inspecting all of my whiting farms hen capes, 4 of them were infected with bugs.
Bugs were even crawling in the bottom of the storage bin i keep them in
Seal up the zip lock bag and do not leave them unsealed
40+ years of tying and never had bugs until now
Expensive morning
Hippie Stomper
Andrew Grillos Originator
Hook-Mustad 3906B, size 6-18
Thread - Black
Tail -Moose body hair
Over body - 2 layers of foam, black on top, red, yellow, orange, purple etc. underneath
Under body - Holographic tinsel
Wing - McFlylon dun or white hi-vis
Hackle - Grizzly
Legs - Fine round rubber, barred
*Over body sizing - Size 6-10, black layer is 2mm foam, under layer is 1mm foam. Size 12-16 both layers are 1mm foam. Size 18 black is 1mm under layer is .5mm foam.
Pheasant Tail Sakasa Kebari
Hook - Sprite S2499 or equivalent
Thread - Orange
Hackle - Speckled gray hen saddle
Ribbing - Copper wire
Body - Pheasant tail fibers
Thorax - Peacock herl
Dragontail Tenkara Video
Harvey Stonefly Nymph
Created by George Harvey in the 1930’s
Hook - 2X long Nymph hooks Size 8 to 16
Weight - Lead free wire
Thread - Brown
Tail - Brown partridge or brown speckled hen saddles
Ribbing - 32-gauge brass beading wire (available at Craft Shops) (I used gold wire)
Shellback - 3 strands dark brown fine chenille for 8’s and 10’s. 3 strands dark brown wool for smaller flies
Body - Golden Stone or Creamy Yellow Awesome Possum dubbing (I used Mike Mercer's Signature Series Buggy Nymph Dubbing - Golden Stone)
Legs - Brown partridge or brown speckled hen saddles
Hook - Dry fly, size12
Thread - Red
Hackle - Dark barred ginger (I used Cree)
Body - Peacock herl
(452) Peacock Futsu Kebari - Tenkara Fly Tying Video - YouTube
Keeper Kebari
Hook - Daiichi 1560
or equivalent, Size 6
Thread – Black
Hackle - Hen pheasant
breast feather
Ribbing Copper wire
Body - Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift "Oxford" yarn (any black or dark gray wool yarn will do)
Keeper Kebari
Trout Fin Sakasa Kebari
Hook - Mustad C49S, size 10
Thread - Pearsall’s Gossamer Silk Thread, color black
Hackle - Hungarian partridge
Body - Pearsall’s Gossamer Silk Thread, color hot orange, white and black
*I used Veevus thread
Author's Note
Notes (Kuhlow): This pattern was one of the first sakasa kebari variants I ever tied. I based it on the classic wet fly known as the Trout Fin. That fly was originally tied to simulate a brook trout fin which was intended to produce an aggressive territorial strike from another brookie. The contrasting colors also increase the visibility of the fly.
Tenkara Kebari: Traditional & Kebari-Inspired Trout Patterns - David Dirks
Lake Wobegon Special
Hook – Mustad 9671 or
equivalent, size 8
Thread - Black
Tail - Red Hackle
Ribbing – Gold tinsel
Body - Vicuña
Dubbing, Tan
Throat - Red Hackle
Wing - Teal Flank (or
Cheeks - Jungle Cock
The Lake
Wobegon Special | Tenkara Talk
Japanese Lantern
Jason Klass Originator
Hook - Firehole Sticks 316 or equivalent, size 12 (I used Mustad C49S)
Head - 2 Small Crystal Pearl Glass Beads
Thread - Black (Unlit) or White (Lit)
Ribbing - Small Copper Wire, Silver (Unlit), Black (Lit)
Body - Thread
Hackle - Pheasant, India Hen, or Partridge
From the Originator
My original Japanese Lantern used pearlescent Mylar for the
head, but I recently updated it to use two glass beads instead. That little extra
weight makes it sink faster, yet it’s not so heavy (like a tungsten bead) to be
a struggle to cast with a tenkara rod. I tie them in two versions: light and
dark (which I call “lit” and “unlit”) for differing water visibility and
substrate color. This is a very versatile pattern and I have success with it
both in dead drifts and downstream.
4th of July
Soft Hackle
Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - White & black
Ribbing - White uni stretch
Body - Red uni stretch
Collar - Blue hen hackle
4th of July
New England Style Streamer
Hook - Mustad 3665A or equivalent
Thread - White and black
Ribbing - Blue and red wire
Body - White uni stretch
Throat - Blue bucktail
Wing - Red bucktail
Eyes - Painted black over white
4th of July
Winged Wet Fly
Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - White & black
Ribbing - Blue & red wire
Body - White uni stretch
Throat - Blue hen hackle
Wing - Red calf tail
North Branch Drake
Hook - Mustad 94840 or equivalent, size 14-18
Thread - Black
Body - Deer body hair, tied over hook shank, extended past the bend of the hook.
Tail - Deer body hair (extended from the body), tied tight at the bend of the hook, so that it flares to become the tail.
Ribbing - Black thread, crisscrossed
Wings - Deer hair, tied down over wing, trude style
Hackle - Grizzly
Tying Tips: Body and tail from the same piece of Deer Hair
Fishing Tips: Works well as an attractor when no hatches are on. Also works well as
a tiny caddis or midge.
Hank Vesey is from Flint, Michigan and used to teach Fly Tying at Mott Community College, many years ago. There are other patterns with the same name. This pattern dates to the late 1950’s or early 1960’s
Tungsten Bruised PMD Nymph
Hook – Sprite S2499 or equivalent, size 14-20
Bead - Black or black nickel tungsten, sized to match hook
Thread - Yellow or brown
Tail - Brown Coq de Leon or brown hackle fibers
Abdomen - Brown micro tubing*
Wing case/Legs - Black or Brown Fluoro Fiber**
Thorax - Yellow Ice Dub
*I have never caught a fish with a fly that uses tubing for
the body. I used brown uni-flexx
**Having no fluoro fiber material, I used black antron yarn
Wired-in Split Case PMD
Hook – Sprite S2499,
size 16-20
Thread - Brown
Weight - 0.010-inch
diameter lead/lead free wire
Tail -
Pheasant-tail-like colored guard hairs from an animal fur patch.
Ribbing – Copper wire
Abdomen - Pheasant tail fibers
Split case wire -
Single strand of UTC Ultra-wire brand in small to BR size (wire diameter
decreases with hook size) in the fluorescent/hot yellow or fluorescent orange
Wing case – Dark butt
ends of PT fibers to give the impression of the dark wing pads on a
near-emergence PMD nymph.
Thorax - Ice dub,
pheasant tail color. Pick out to simulate legs
Cow Dung Variant
Hook - Sprite S2499 or equivalent, size 14-18
Bead - Black brass or tungsten
Thread - Olive
Ribbing - Red wire
Body - Tying thread or olive uni stretch
Thorax - Synthetic peacock dubbing
Hackle - Brown hen
Dr Eric Pettine Originator
Colorado Guide Flies - Pat Dorsey
Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tail - Reddish pheasant breast feather fibers
Tag/butt - Orange thread
Body - Peacock herl
Hackle - Brown hen
Roderick Haig-Brown
Steelhead and Other Anadromous Species
Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent, size 10-14
Thread - Black
Tag - Orange silk
Tail - 5 tippet fibers
Body - Silver tinsel
Throat - Blue hackle to hook bend
Wing - Barred wood duck flank
Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul C Marriner
Cheesman Emerger
Hook - Sprite S2499 or equivalent
Bead - Black brass or tungsten
Thread - Olive
Tail/back - Olive krystal flash
Body - Tying thread
Wing - White uni stretch
Thorax - Synthetic peacock dubbing
Union Jack
Atlantic Salmon
Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tail - Red hackle Fibers
Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel
Body - Flat silver tinsel
Wing - White calf tail
Collar - Blue hen hackle
Lomond Special
Atlantic Salmon
Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - Red
Tag - Oval silver tinsel & orange floss
Tail - Golden pheasant crest
Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel
Body - Green floss
Throat - Yellow schlappen
Wing - Gray squirrel tail
Head - UV Resin
Net Builder Caddis
Hook - Sprite S2499 or equivalent
Weight - Lead free wire
Thread - Black
Tail - White uni stretch or z-lon
Ribbing - Monofilament
Casing - Magic foil, thin skin or a strip of clear zip lock bag
Body - Olive dubbing
Legs - Black ostrich herl
Len Phillips Originator
Caddis Imitation
Hook - Mustad 94840, size 6-8
Thread - Black
Tail - Golden pheasant tippet fibers
Rib - Orange floss
Body - Green wool
Wing - Golden pheasant tippet fibers
Collar - Pheasant rump feather
Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul C Marriner
AD (After Dark) Caddis Emerger
Wayne Phillips Originator
Hook - Tiemco 100BL or equivalent, size 12-16.
Thread - Olive
Tail - Olive Z-Lon tied on as a shuck
Back - Tan closed cell foam strip
Body - Peacock herl
Wing - Chartreuse woven Antron, fray after tying in
Beard - (Optional) Olive grizzly hackle
Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul C Marriner
Killer Bug
Frank Sawyer Originator
Hook - Mustad 33399, 3906 or equivalent
Thread - Copper wire
Body - Chadwick 477 yarn*
*Chadwick 477 is as scarce as a unicorn but can sometimes be found on Ebay for outrageous prices $$$
An acceptable alternative is Berroco Ultra Alpaca Fine Yarn - 1214 Steel Cut Oats which is what I used but this seems to also have been discontinued.
However, if you do a Google search for Chadwick 477, you'll find a few acceptable substitutes.
Hook - Mustad 3906B or equivalent, size 12-18
Thread - Black
Palmer rib - Grizzly hackle palmered through body and trimmed for a stubby or scraggly effect
Body - Peacock herl
Legs - Light brown hen hackle wound as a wet fly collar
Basically, a Griffiths Gnat Soft Hackle Pattern
The Book of Fly Patterns: Over 1,000 Patterns for the Construction of Artificial Flies - Eric Leiser
Anytime, Anywhere
Hook - Mustad 9672 or equivalent, size 4-12
Weight – Lead free wire
Thread - Black
Tail - Wood duck flank fibers, very heavy and as long as the
hook shank
Palmer rib - Grizzly hackle trimmed fairly close to the body
to produce a stubby effect
Body -Black chenille
This pattern, which was submitted by Gary Merriman of the Fish Hawk in Atlanta, Georgia, is generally tied weighted. Like the Woolly Worm, the Woolly Bugger, and the Leech, all of which it resembles, the pattern is very effective for a wide range of fish, including salmon, steelhead, bonefish, bream, bass, and, of course, trout. Merriman calls it a nymph though it does not have the characteristic appearance of a nymph. Nevertheless, it is fished as such and seems to live up to its name, and so it is here listed.
The Book of Fly Patterns: Over 1,000 Patterns for the Construction of Artificial Flies - Eric Leiser
Baetis Soft Hackle