Thursday, October 13, 2022

Van Zandt

Van Zandt

Steelhead Fly

Josh Van Zandt of Eureka, California, originated this pattern around 1900

Hooks - MUS80500BL, MUS80501 BL, TMC7999, DA12441 or equivalent

Thread - Red

Tail - Crimson red hackle barbs

Ribbing - Silver wire

Body - Peacock herl

Hackle - Crimson red tied on as a collar and tied back and down

Wing - Crimson red calf tail tied over the body.  The original wing on this fly was red goose quill

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

Van Zandt

Josh Van Sant Jr., pre-1900 

Hook - Singla salmon

Tail - Red hackle fibers 

Body - Peacock herl 

Hackle - Red 

Wing - Red goose primary sections 

Note: The addition of jungle cock cheeks makes this the Josh Van Sant.

Classic Steelhead Flies

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