Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Marston's Fancy

Marston's Fancy

Tail - Dark gray

Body - Peacock herl

Hackle - Brown

Wing - Dark gray

Trout - Ray Bergman

Monday, May 29, 2023




Homer Rhodes

Hook - Mustad 34007 (Saltwater), Mustad 3366 (Freshwater)

Thread - Monofilament or white

Tail - Pearl krystal flash and grizzly hackles

Body - Grizzly hackles, wrapped in touching turns

Brown Sprite

Brown Sprite 

Hook - Mustad 3906B or equivalent, size 12-16 

Thread - Black

Tail - Dark ginger hackle fibers 

Body - Light cream poly yarn coated with head lacquer 

Hackle - Dark ginger as a wet fly collar

The Book of Fly Patterns: Over 1,000 Patterns for the Construction of Artificial Flies - Eric Leiser

Yellow Sprite


Yellow Sprite

Hook - Mustad 3906B or equivalent, size 12-16 

Thread - Black (white under the body)

Tail - Dark ginger hackle fibers 

Body - Yellow poly yarn coated with head lacquer 

Hackle - Dark ginger as a wet fly collar

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Green Drake Nymph

Green Drake Nymph

Hook - Mustad 9672, size 8-12

Thread - Olive

Tail - Pheasant tail fibers, light shade (three to five fibers 1½ gap widths in length) 

Ribbing - Olive cotton thread or olive single strand floss 

Body - Olive tan dubbing fur

Wing case - Dark mottled turkey wing quill section

Thorax - Olive tan dubbing fur

Legs - Lemon wood duck flank fibers, beard style

The Book of Fly Patterns: Over 1,000 Patterns for the Construction of Artificial Flies - Eric Leiser

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Lake George

Lake George

Tag - Gold tinsel

Tail - Scarlet quill sections

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Scarlet floss

Hackle - White

Wing - White with scarlet stripe - married

Trout - Ray Bergman

Friday, May 26, 2023



Tail - Gray hackle*

Body - Green floss

Hackle - Gray

Wing - Slate duck/goose quill

Trout - Ray Bergman

*The written recipe listing for a gray tail is clearly missing in the color plate fly painting. 

The Gosling in the photo above is tied according to the written recipe.

Bootes Black

Bootes Black

Tip - Gold tinsel

Tail - Black duck/goose quill 

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Maroon wool or fur

Hackle - Black

Wing - Dark slate duck/goose quill

Trout - Ray Bergman

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Claret Gnat

Claret Gnat

Body - Dark claret wool or chenille

Hackle - Dark claret

Wing - Slate

Trout - Ray Bergman




Tail - Brown mallard

Tail-tag - Red floss

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Yellow wool

Hackle - Grizzly “barred rock”

Wing - Light brown mottled turkey or Bittern

From Don Bastian Notes

These tag, tip, tail, and tail-tag corrections for the Kamaloff and other patterns in this collection defer to the accurate explanations given in the book, Flies (1950), by J. Edson Leonard. The color plate paintings in Trout, which I believe, considering the fact that Dr. Edgar Burke measured bird feathers with calipers so that he could get the proportions correct when he painted upland game birds and waterfowl, translate to accurate renditions of his fly paintings, which were always painted from actual samples.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023



Body - White chenille

Hackle - White

Wing - Cardinal was original; substitute with claret or red duck quill

Trout - Ray Bergman

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Artful Dodger

Artful Dodger

Tip - Gold tinsel

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Dark claret floss

Hackle - Light claret

Wing - Pheasant (or dark brown turkey) *

From Don Bastian Notes

* The recipe listing for the Artful Dodger calls for a pheasant wing. Dark brown turkey was substituted on this fly and others calling for a pheasant wing because turkey is more readily available.

Trout - Ray Bergman



Tail - Green quill sections

Tail-tag - Orange floss

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Dark brown, almost black wool

Hackle - Orange

Wing - Light brown mottled turkey

From Don Bastian Notes

Examination of the Trout color plate painting reveals a tail-tag as a short orange stub of floss topping the quill section tail. J. Edson Leonard, author of the book, Flies, correctly designates this component application, usually of floss or wool, as a tail-tag. A tag is always at the end of the body, underneath the tail, and a tip is at the end of the body, encircling (in front of) the tail. 

Trout - Ray Bergman

Knowle's Fancy

Knowle's Fancy

Ribbing - Silver tinsel

Body - Light brown wool

Hackle - Brown

Wing: From black cock’s tail feather (bluish black) *

* In absence of the iridescent black feather for the wing, black may be used. 

Trout - Ray Bergman

Monday, May 22, 2023

Yellow Sally

Yellow Sally

Hook - Daiichi 1270 or equivalent

Thread - Yellow

Tag - Glo-brite #3, red floss or dubbing

Body - Yellow uni yarn or dubbing

Wing - Bleached deer or elk hair

Hackle - Ginger, barred ginger, cree etc

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Miracle Nymph


Miracle Nymph

Thread - Black

Ribbing - Copper wire

Body - Single strand of white floss



Atlantic Salmon

Claude Bousquet 

Tail - Hot orange hackle fibers

Tag - Orange mini-chenille

Ribbing - Orange KF, 3 strands twisted

Body - Black mini-chenille

Throat: Hot orange hackle fibers

Wing - Orange KF and grey squirrel tail dyed orange, mixed

Collar - Orange guinea hen.

Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul C Marriner

Lanctot Hairwing

Lanctot Hairwing

Ivers S. Adams originated this old Canadian pattern in 1920. 

This is a variation of his feather-wing pattern.

Tip - Lower half, oval gold tinsel; upper half, yellow floss

Tail - Golden pheasant crest

Butt - Black ostrich herl

Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel

Body - Rear half, yellow floss; the front half, dubbed with black lamb's wool

Hackle - Yellow tied on as a collar and tied back and down

Wing - Red and blue calf tail mixed and tied low over the body, with an over wing of yellow calf tail

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art – Terry Hellekson

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Silver Betsy

Silver Betsy

Atlantic Salmon

Hooks – Single salmon

Tip - Oval silver tinsel

Tail - Scarlet red hackle barbs

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel

Body - Flat silver tinsel

Wing - Gray squirrel tail tied low over the body

Hackle - Grizzly tied on as a collar and tied back

Also known as Silver Abbey.

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's – Terry Hellekson

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Herman Fly

Herman Fly

Tag - Gold tinsel

Body - Crimson floss

Hackle - Brown

Wing - Slate

Trout - Ray Bergman

Wednesday, May 17, 2023



Winged Wet Fly

Hook - Standard wet fly style

Thread - Black

Tail - Orange duck/goose quill segments

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Peacock herl

Hackle - Orange

Wing - Black duck/goose quill segments, peacock herl over

Trout - Ray Bergman

Forgotten Flies - Schmookler and Sils 

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Scarlet Monarch

Scarlet Monarch

Atlantic Salmon

Tip - Oval silver tinsel

Tag - Short strand of red floss

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel

Body - Red floss

Hackle - Yellow tied on as a collar and tied back and down

Wing - Yellow bucktail tied low over the body, with an over wing of gray squirrel tail

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art Terry Hellekson

Monday, May 15, 2023

Black Ant

Black Ant

Hook - Jig style

Bead - Black/black nickel brass or tungsten

Ribbing - Silver wire

Body - Black tying thread built up to a taper

Legs - Hungarian partridge or any other soft hackle

From an internet video

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Lemon Gray

Lemon Gray

Atlantic Salmon

Hook - Single salmon

Tip - Flat silver tinsel and yellow floss

Tail - Golden pheasant crest

Butt - Black ostrich herl

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel

Body - Gray wool

Throat - Yellow hackle

Wing - Yellow dyed squirrel tail

From an internet photo

Lemon Grey.jpg (748×682) (

Green Foam Hopper

Green Foam Hopper

Hook – Mustad R73

Thread – Yellow

Body – 2mm green foam and yellow ice dubbing

Wing – Deer hair and krystal flash

Legs – Striped rubber legs



Atlantic Salmon

Michel Trembly

Hook - Single salmon

Tip - Oval silver tinsel

Body - 1/2 fluorescent green uni stretch and 1/2 peacock herl

Ribbing - Oval Silver tinsel

Underwing - Fluorescent green krystal flash

Wing - Dyed green squirrel tail

Cheek - Jungle cock

Throat - Highlander green grizzly hackle tips (I used plain hen hackle tips)

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Red Charm

Red Charm

Atlantic Salmon

Hook - Single salmon

Tip - Flat silver tinsel and yellow floss

Tail - Golden pheasant crest

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel

Body - Black wool

Hackle - Blue hen

Wing - Dyed red squirrel tail

Hosmer Horror

Hosmer Horror 

Atlantic Salmon

Hook - Single salmon

Tail - Orange hackle 

Body - Peacock herl over an underbody of tapered olive floss or yarn

Wing - White monga ringtail tied low over the body or substitute

Hackle - Yellow and orange tied on as a collar mixed and tied back 

Monga ringtails are rare in Connecticut 😁 so I substituted white bucktail

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

Friday, May 12, 2023

Green Barber

Green Barber

Atlantic Salmon

Jean-Guy Boudreau 

Hook - Single salmon

Thread - Chartreuse

Tag - Oval silver tinsel, fluorescent green Glo-Brite

Rib - Fluorescent green Glo-Brite

Body - Rear 2/3 silver tinsel; front green chenille 

Veiling - Lime antron yarn

Throat - Fl\chartreuse krystal flash

Wing - Green grey squirrel tail

Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul C Marriner

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Blue Beard

Blue Beard 

Atlantic Salmon

Hook - Single salmon

Thread - Black

Tail - Pale yellow calf tail

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel wrapped over front half of body only

Body - Rear half, flat silver tinsel; the front half, dubbed with black lamb's wool 

Hackle - Blue calf tail tied in at the throat

Wing - Blue and gray calf tail mixed, tied low over the body

Topping - Pale yellow calf tail

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

Bucktail and Gold

Bucktail and Gold

Atlantic Salmon

Hook - Single salmon

Thread - Black

Tip - Oval gold tinsel

Tail - Golden pheasant crest feather

Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel

Body - Flat gold tinsel

Hackle - Kingfisher blue hen hackle barbs tied in at the throat

Wing - Natural brown bucktail tied low over the body

Topping - Strands of blue Flashabou Accent

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Brown Mystery

Brown Mystery

Atlantic Salmon

Hook - Single salmon

Thread - Black

Tip - Oval gold tinsel

Tail - Yellow hackle barbs

Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel

Body - Fluorescent orange floss

Hackle - Guinea fowl barbs tied in at the throat. Keep short and sparse just a wisp

Wing - Red pine squirrel tail tied low over the body

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

Friday, May 5, 2023

Green Cross

Green Cross

Atlantic Salmon 

Tom Corcoran originated this pattern.

Hook - Single salmon

Thread - Black

Tip - Oval silver tinsel

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel

Trailer - Single strand of fluorescent green floss from center top of end of body

Body - Rear half, fluorescent green floss; the front half, peacock herl

Hackle - Black tied on as a collar and tied back and down

Wing - Dyed black squirrel tail tied low over the body

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

Green-Winged Squirrel

Green-Winged Squirrel 

Atlantic Salmon

Hook - Single salmon

Tip - Fine gold wire

Tail - Golden pheasant crest feather

Butt - Fluorescent orange floss

Body - Peacock herl. Reverse wrapped with fine gold wire

Hackle - Orange tied on as a collar and tied back and down

Wing - Dyed green gray squirrel tail tied low over the body

Topping - Strands of green Flashabou Accent

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

Thursday, May 4, 2023



Atlantic Salmon

Bert Miner of Doaktown, New Brunswick, originated this pattern in the 1940s.

Hook - Single Salmon

Tip - Lower half, fine silver wire; the upper half, yellow floss

Tail - Golden pheasant crest feather

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel

Body - Embossed silver tinsel

Hackle - Orange tied on as a collar and tied back and down; 

then a small bunch of guinea fowl barbs are tied in at the throat

*Wing - Gray squirrel tail tied low over the body

*The original pattern had barred mallard sections for the wings

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Stillaguamish Belle

Stillaguamish Belle

Hook - Single Salmon

Tail - Golden pheasant tippet barbs

Butt - White chenille

Body - Black floss with a joint of yellow chenille tied in front

Hackle - Brown tied on as a collar and tied back and down

*Wing - Gray squirrel tied over the body

Al Knudson of Everett, Washington, originated this pattern around 1930. 

*The original wings on this fly consisted of natural gray goose quill sections.

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson



Josh Ringold originated this pattern in 1984. 

It has been productive for both steelhead and silvers.

Hook - Single Salmon

Tail - Scarlet red hackle barbs

Body - White chenille

Hackle - Scarlet red tied on as a collar and tied back and down

Wing - White calf tail tied over the body

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Maxwell Purple

Maxwell Purple 


Forrest Maxwell of Salem, Oregon, originated this pattern in 1970.

Hook - Single Salmon

Tip - Flat silver tinsel

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel 

Body - Dubbed with purple lamb's wool

Wing - Purple neck hackles tied Matuka-style

Hackle - Purple tied on as a collar and tied back

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson




Don Redfern originated this pattern during the mid-1950s for British Columbia waters.

Hooks - Single Salmon

Tip - Flat silver tinsel

Tail - Scarlet red hackle barbs

Body - Fluorescent fire orange chenille

Hackle - Fluorescent orange tied on as a collar and tied back and down

Wing - Natural brown bucktail

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson 




Hook - Single salmon

Body - Fluorescent pink chenille

Wing - White bucktail tied over the body

Head - Fluorescent pink

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

Ice 'N' Fire

Ice 'N' Fire 


Terry Hellekson

Hook - Single Salmon

Thread - Fluorescent fire orange. 

Tail - Dyed black squirrel tail. 

Body - Light blue Crystal Chenille. 

Hackle - Fluorescent fire orange tied on as a collar and tied back and down. 

Wing - Dyed black squirrel tail tied over the body. 

Head - Fluorescent fire orange.

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

Monday, May 1, 2023

Protein Flame

Protein Flame


Ed Haas

Tail - Red hackle
Body - Hot pink chenille
Wing - Black squirrel tail

Art of Angling Journal - Spring 2002

The Grizzly Bear

The Grizzly Bear

Atlantic Salmon

Jean-Claude Dupras

Hook - Mustad 3906, size 8

Thread - Black

Body - Gray wool

Wing - Guinea hen

Hackle - Grizzly