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Monday, February 26, 2024
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Moth - Brown (Var)
Moth - Brown (Var)
Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tip - Gold tinsel
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Cinnamon wool
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Cinnamon Dark Orpington Cock*
*I used cinnamon goose quill
Trout - Ray Bergman
Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tip - Peacock tag
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Pale yellow wool
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Light brown turkey
Trout - Ray Bergman
Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Gray mallard
Ribbing - White floss
Body - Green floss
Hackle - Brown
Wing - White tipped turkey
Trout - Ray Bergman
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Glory Girl
Glory Girl
Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tag - Light-green floss
Tail - Moose body hair and a single, light-mottled pheasant quill section or mottled turkey
Body - Light-green wool
Wing - Light-mottled pheasant quill or mottled turkey
Hackle - Light dun
101 Favorite Nymphs and Wet Flies: History, Tying Tips, and Fishing Strategies - David Klausmeyer
Ray Bergman
Ray Bergman
Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Brown mallard
Body - Burnt orange wool
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Slate
Friday, February 23, 2024
Double Deep Stone
Grizzly King
Grizzly King
Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Scarlet
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Green floss
Hackle - Badger
Wing - Gray Mallard
Trout - Ray Bergman
Grizzly King Streamer
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Hook - Mustad L87AP
Thread - Red
Tag - Gold flat tinsel
Tail - Red goose quill slips
Butt - White chenille
Body - Green wool dubbing
Rib - Silver flat tinsel
Throat - Red hackle fibers
Wing - Peacock herl
Shoulder - Teal flank 1/3 wing length
Streamers and Bucktails - Joseph D Bates Jr
The streamer originated in Chile and was widely used as fodder for South
American quarry. The pattern made its way north via a fly dresser in New York
named Elizabeth Greig. Mrs. Greig tied the pattern for South American customers
and tested the usefulness of the fly in her home state waters. It was proven to
be a successful pattern for trout in New York State.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Black Striped Minnow
Black Striped Minnow
Hook - Mustad 3665A
Thread - Black 6/0 UNI-Thread
Tail - Barred wood duck flank
Body - Silver Lagartun flat French tinsel (medium)
Throat - Orange hackle fibers
Wing - Golden badger saddle hackle over white and brown
*Cheeks - Jungle cock
*Book recipe does not include cheeks but the photo of the fly does.
The Classic Streamer Fly Box - Mike Valla
Bill's Dace
Bill's Dace
Hook - Mustad 3665A
Thread - Black 6/0 UNI-Thread
Rib - Silver Lagartun flat French tinsel (medium)
Body - Red floss
Throat - Ginger hackle fibers
Wing - Badger saddle hackles
*Cheeks - Jungle cock
*Book recipe does not include cheeks but the photo of the fly does.
The Classic Streamer Fly Box - Mike Valla
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Golden Darter
Golden Darter (Original)
Hook - Mustad 3665A
Thread - Black 6/0 UNI-Thread
Tail - Turkey quill slip
Rib - Gold Lagartun flat French tinsel (medium)
Body - Yellow floss
Throat - Jungle cock body feather
Wing - Badger saddle hackles
Cheeks - Jungle cock eyes
Streamers & Bucktails - Joseph D Bates Jr
Golden Darter (Variation)
Hook: Mustad 3665A
Thread: Black 6/0 UNI-Thread
Tail: Turkey quill slip
Rib: Gold Lagartun flat French tinsel (medium)
Body: Yellow floss
Throat: Jungle cock body feather
Wing: Badger saddle hackles over brown bucktail
Cheeks: Jungle cock eyes
The Classic Streamer Fly Box - Mike Valla
Dr Breck
Dr Breck
Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Jungle cock
Body - Silver tinsel
Hackle - Crimson
Wing - White with red stripe
Trout - Ray Bergman
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Jock Scott (Sherbrooke)
Jock Scott (Sherbrooke)
Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Brown hackle wisps
Ribbing - Gold tinsel - Artist shows black ribbing
Hackle - Guinea or woodcock. speckled black and white
Wing - Gray mottled turkey or alternate as shown - brown
I tied it per the artists rendering
Trout - Ray Bergman
Silvey's Chubby Sally
Silvey's Chubby Sally
Hook - Curved style
Thread - Yellow
Tail - Red calf tail or synthetic hair
Body - Golden dubbing
Legs - Black/white silicone legs
Over body - 2mm yellow foam strip
Wings - White antron
High Country Angler - Summer 2015
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Gold Stork
Gold Stork
Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Gray mallard
Body - Gold tinsel
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Brown mallard
Trout - Ray Bergman
Dusty Miller (trout)
Dusty Miller (trout)
Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tip - Gold tinsel
Tail - Grouse
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Very pale green wool
Hackle - Yellow
Wing - Green parrot*
*I used green duck quill. $$ for green parrot feathers
Trout - Ray Bergman
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Quack Doctor
Hook - Wet fly
Thread - White and black
Tail - Teal
Body - White floss
Hackle - Claret
Wing - Teal or gray mallard
Trout - Ray Bergman
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tip - Gold tinsel
Tail - Crimson and orange - married
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Brown floss
Hackle - Dark brown
Wing - Orang with crimson stripe - married
Trout - Ray Bergman
Monday, February 12, 2024
Hook - Wet fly style
Thread - Black
Hackle - Brown, palmered
Body - Gray wool
Wing - Brown turkey
* I added a fine gold wire wrap to help secure the palmered hackle
Trout - Ray Bergman
March Brown - American
March Brown - American
Hook - Mustad Heritage
Thread - Black
Tip - Gold tinsel
Ribbing - Gold Tinsel
Body - Brown
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Brown turkey
Trout - Ray Bergman
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Golden Pheasant
Golden Pheasant
Hook - Mustad Heritage
Thread - Black
Tip - Gold tinsel
Tail - Black hackle fibers
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Orange floss
Hackle - Orange hackle fibers
Wing - Golden pheasant tippet
Trout - Ray Bergman
Coastal Shiner
Coastal Shiner
Hook - Mustad 3665A or substitute
Thread - Black
Tail - Furnace hackle fibers
Rib - Oval silver tinsel
Body - White chenille
Throat - Furnace hackle fibers
Wing - Furnace saddle hackles
The Classic Streamer Fly Box
Saturday, February 10, 2024
White Jungle Cock
White Jungle Cock
Hook - Mustad Heritage
Thread - Black
Tip - Scarlet
Tail - Golden pheasant tippet
Body - White wool
Hackle - White
Wing - Jungle cock*
Trout - Ray Bergman
*The book recipe does not represent the drawing on plate 9 in the book.
White goose quill segments were used to replicate the drawing
Friday, February 9, 2024
Adams - Female
Adams - Female
Thursday, February 8, 2024
Bleeding Shiner
Hook - Mustad 3665A
Thread - Black 6/0 UNI-Thread
Rib - Silver Lagartun flat French tinsel (medium)
Body - Red floss
Underbelly - White bucktail and red bucktail
Wing - Yellowish or golden badger saddle hackle
Head - Painted black over white
The Classic Streamer Fly Box
Red Horse
Red Horse
Hook - Mustad 3665A
Thread - Black 6/0 UNI-Thread
Tail - Red and yellow hackle fiber tips
Rib - Silver Lagartun flat French tinsel (medium)
Body - White or cream wool
Throat - Red and yellow hackle fiber tips
Wing - Dun saddle hackle
Cheeks - Jungle cock eyes
The Classic Streamer Fly Box - Mike Valla
Red Horse
Lew Oatman
Hook - 6xl, size 6-8
Thread - Black
Tail - The tips of 2 yellow hackles, on each side of which is an orange hackle, all the same length and very short
Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel
Body - White wool, slightly tapered
Throat - Same as the tail
Wing - 2 olive green saddle hackles, on each side of which is a gray blue dun saddle hackle, all of the same length and extending well beyond the tail
Cheeks - Jungle cock
Streamer Fly Tying & Fishing - Joseph D Bates JR
Hook - Mustad 79580
Thread - Black
Tail - Red duck quill slip
Rib - Flat silver tinsel
Body - Yellow wool
Throat - Red hackle fibers
Wing - Grizzly neck hackles
Cheeks - Jungle cock eyes
The Classic Streamer Fly Box
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Trueblood's Blue Gray Nymph
Trueblood's Blue Gray Nymph
Hook - Nymph style
Thread - Black
Tail - Mottled brown Hungarian partridge barbs
Body - Dubbed with muskrat fur
Legs - Mottled brown Hungarian partridge barbs tied in at the throat beard-style
Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art