Thursday, September 12, 2024

Scarlet Ibis

Scarlet Ibis 

Hook - Wet fly

Thread - Red

Tip - Flat gold tinsel

Tail - Narrow section of red duck quill segments

Ribbing - Flat gold tinsel

Body - Red floss

Hackle - Scarlet red tied on as a collar and tied back and down

Wings - Red duck quill section tied on edge over the body

Authors Note

As far as I can determine, this is an American pattern, however, there are nine other patterns that belong to the Ibis family. The only other one of any significance is the Silver Ibis, which has a flat silver tinsel body and is otherwise tied the same as the Scarlet Ibis. Sometimes the Scarlet Ibis is referred to as the Red Ibis. There is a pattern called the Cardinal that is tied the same except with all fluorescent red materials.

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

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