Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Danny's Special

Danny's Special

Hook - Long streamer
Thread - Black
Ribbing - Flat silver tinsel
Body - Black floss
Wing - White bucktail under 4 yellow hackles
Eyes - Jungle cock

Streamers365 - Vol 3 - Darren MacEachern

Author's Note

Dan Legere was taught to tie under the watchful eye of his father and was encouraged to experiment with designs of his own. The pattern was created and tested on Maine's Mousam Pond and Square Pond and proved to be successful with the resident brown trout. Dan's parents later tested the streamer in
Northern Maine's famous Moosehead Lake and other regional lakes. Dan's creation again came through successfully, this time in pursuit of landlocked salmon and brook trout. Dan originally tied the streamer in a tandem hook configuration and a large sized 'A' thread was used to create the body rather than floss.

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