Friday, February 21, 2025

White Tiger

White Tiger

Hook - Mustad 3907 B #4 or substitute

Thread - White flat waxed nylon 

Tag - Flat silver tinsel 

Tail - Orange schlappen fibers 

Body - Orange floss 

Rib - Silver oval tinsel 

Throat - Orange schlappen fibers 

Wing: White hackle flanked by grizzly hackle 

Eye - Jungle cock nail 

Author's Note

While researching for the Streamers 365 project, Darren was unable to find Gray Wolf's website as it had been taken offline when he retired in 2009/2010. Darren was lucky enough to find a cache of images on an archive of Gray Wolf's site, and among the images was one for the White Tiger pattern. The pattern may not be 100% correct as he was going off of a small grainy image, but he believes he has caught the spirit of the pattern. 

Originated by Gray Wolf

Streamers 365 - Vol 1 - Darren MacEachern

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