Sunday, February 9, 2025

Dull Pupa

Dull Pupa 

Hook - Curved 

Bead - White

Thread - Gray

Over Body - Clear buzzer wrap or clear tinsel

Rib - Wine, red or black thread

Body - Tying thread

Thorax - Rust or burnt orange thread

Thread-bodied chironomid pupa patterns such as the Dull Pupa are a wise option when trout are focused on suspending pupa early in the emergence. At this time, the pupae haven't gathered enough gas beneath their skin, which makes them shiny. Bright patterns are not always the best option. Inspired by good friend Brian Chan, the Dull Pupa also uses a clear Buzzer Wrap to protect the thread color so it doesn't change when you apply a protective coating of UV. Resin, superglue or nail polish. 

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