Friday, February 28, 2025

Mickey Doodle

Mickey Doodle

Hook - Partridge CS15 #4 or substitute

Thread - Black 

Body - Silver flat tinsel 

Belly - Yellow bucktail 

Throat - Yellow hackle fibers 

Wing - 2 red hackles flanked by yellow hackle 

Shoulder - Red hen back 

Eye - Jungle cock nail 

Head - Black (with orange band) 

Author's Note

Red and yellow was a popular color combination of Mrs. Stevens' day, and judging by the continued success of the Mickey Finn, it still remains popular in the modern age. Mickey’s Ghost (#156) is a pattern designed by Mike Martinek Jr. which also pays homage to the most famous of bucktails. Mrs. Stevens’ Mickey Doodle is quite similar to a Canadian version of the Mickey Finn which calls for a married wing of red and yellow goose. 

Originated by Carrie Stevens

Streamers365 - Vol 2 - Darren MacEachern

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