Friday, February 28, 2025

Mickey Doodle

Mickey Doodle

Hook - Partridge CS15 #4 or substitute

Thread - Black 

Body - Silver flat tinsel 

Belly - Yellow bucktail 

Throat - Yellow hackle fibers 

Wing - 2 red hackles flanked by yellow hackle 

Shoulder - Red hen back 

Eye - Jungle cock nail 

Head - Black (with orange band) 

Author's Note

Red and yellow was a popular color combination of Mrs. Stevens' day, and judging by the continued success of the Mickey Finn, it still remains popular in the modern age. Mickey’s Ghost (#156) is a pattern designed by Mike Martinek Jr. which also pays homage to the most famous of bucktails. Mrs. Stevens’ Mickey Doodle is quite similar to a Canadian version of the Mickey Finn which calls for a married wing of red and yellow goose. 

Originated by Carrie Stevens

Streamers365 - Vol 2 - Darren MacEachern

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Cut Lips

Cut Lips

Hook - Gaelic Supreme Mike Martinek Rangeley Streamer 6xl 

Thread - White under floss; black head

Tail - Blue dun hackle 

Body - Lavender silk 

Rib - Silver flat tinsel 

Throat - Blue dun hackle fibers 

Wing - 2 olive hackles flanked by dun hackles

Eye - Jungle cock

Originated by Lew Oatman

Author's Note

As much as it sounds like an unfortunate accident with a wayward back cast and an unsuspecting passerby, the Cut Lips streamer is named for one of the minnow species Mr. Oatman studied. His observations of the natural prey items of trout became the basis for a series of streamers he designed which included plump tapered bodies and colors that matched the natural minnows. The cut lips minnow is a dark colored fish and has a range that includes the renowned Battenkill in Vermont and New York state’s Ausable River. The streamer is most successful in the habitat of the minnow, that being rapid flows, white water and beneath waterfalls.

Streamers365 - Vol 2 - Darren MacEachern

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Farmy

The Farmy

Hook - Gaelic Supreme Mike Martinek Rangeley Streamer hook 6x or substitute

Thread - Black

Tag - Silver flat tinsel 

Body - Red floss 

Ribbing - Flat silver tinsel

Belly - White bucktail 

Wing - 2 light dun hackles flanked by grizzly hackle 

Shoulder - Light mallard flank 

Cheek - Jungle cock 

Author's Note

The Farmy was created and named for the beloved Farmington River in Connecticut. The Farmington is located in northern Connecticut and is a tributary of the Connecticut River. The river is the only river to flow in all four cardinal directions in the Northern Hemisphere. A few notable pools on the Farmington include Boneyard, School Bus Pool and Satan’s Kingdom. 

Originated by Alan Petrucci 

Streamers365 - Vol 1 - Darren MacEachern

Monday, February 24, 2025

Walt's Demon

Walt's Demon

Hook - Mustad 9575 

Thread - Black 

Tail - Red hackle fibers 

Body - Silver flat tinsel 

Rib - Silver oval tinsel 

Throat - Silver badger hackle 

Wing - Married sections of brown, black and white goose or swan 

Eye - Jungle cock

Author's Note

Originated by Walt Dette

The pattern originates from the Jess Wood (also Jesse Wood) streamer dressed by Ray Bergman and showcased on plate #10 of 'Trout'. The two patterns are essentially the same with the Jess Wood having a furnace hackle throat and a wing made from Baikal teal, while the Walt's Demon uses a badger hackle and a married wing of goose which closely resembles the look of the Baikal teal or yanosh. The teal feather is banded with tan on one edge, a strong black center strip and a white outer edge. Mr. Dette tied the fly to sell in his fly shop “W.C. Dette, Dry Flies” located in Roscoe, New York. It is said that the pattern received the Demon moniker by a relative of Mr. Dette's, but in 'Streamer Fly Tying & Fishing' by Joseph Bates, he states the pattern is known as the Demon in Canada. It is an excellent imitation for the black nosed dace and has taken many sizable fish from the Catskills waters. 

Streamers365 - Vol 3 - Darren MacEachern

Northern Delight

Northern Delight 

Hook - Gaelic Supreme Mike Martinek Rangeley Streamer hook or substitute

Thread - White

Tail - Lady Amherst pheasant crest 

Butt - Made in three parts using the rear quarter of the body. Rear quarter is peacock herl followed 

by orange silk and the last quarter is peacock herl 

Body - Dark blue floss 

Rib - Silver oval tinsel 

Belly: Light yellow bucktail 

Wing - 2 light dun hackles 

Eye - Jungle cock

Head - Orange 

Author's Note

Originated by Jim Malo

Jim's cache of original streamers includes several with the complex streamer bodies in the tradition of Herb Welch's classic streamers. Jim has used the Northern Delight to fish many of Maine's storied lakes such as Rangeley Lake, Sebago Lake and Penobscot Lake. The pattern has been responsible for taking many trout and landlocked salmon over the years. Jim has tested the pattern throughout Canada, Maine and Massachusetts with similar positive results in each local. Jim ties the pattern sparse using only 2 hackles in the wing and just a smattering of bucktail in the belly. 

Streamers365 - Vol 3 - Darren MacEachern

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Shad Fly

Shad Fly

Body - Peacock herl, gold tinsel, peacock herl

Hackle - Brown

Wing - Brown turkey

Trout - Ray Bergman

Saturday, February 22, 2025



Hook - Edgar Sealey 1797B #1/0 or substitute

Thread - White 8/o 

Tag - Silver flat tinsel 

Body - Orange floss 

Rib - Silver flat tinsel 

Belly - 4-6 peacock herls then white bucktail
Throat - Grizzly hackle fibers 

Wing - 4 grizzly hackles 

Eye - Jungle cock nail 

Head - Black (with orange band)

Author's Note 

The Witch, also known as the Gray Witch, is one of several Witch patterns Carrie Stevens developed. Mrs. Stevens was also responsible for setting loose the Golden Witch, Green Witch, Water Witch and the Yellow Witch patterns. During the 1930’s, the streamers developed by Carrie Stevens accounted for 49 percent of the salmon caught and recorded at Upper Dam. The Witch was among that group of streamers to make their mark on the Rangeley salmon. 

Streamers365 - Vol 3 - Darren MacEachern

Webster Lake Surprise

Webster Lake Surprise

Hook - Gaelic Supreme Mike Martinek Rangeley Streamer hook
Thread - Gray

Tail - Red golden pheasant body feather fibers 

Butt - Made in three parts using the rear quarter of the body. 
Rear quarter is peacock herl followed by white silk and the last quarter is peacock herl 

Body - Black floss 

Rib - Gold oval tinsel, fine over the white floss and 2 strands of gold flat tinsel cross wrapped over the black floss 

Belly - White bucktail
Wing - 2 grizzly hackles 

Shoulder - Yellow golden pheasant body feather 

Originated by Jim Malo 

Author's Note

Lake Char­gogg­a­gogg­man­chaugg­a­gogg­chau­bun­a­gung­a­maugg is at the very least a mouthful, a Nipmuc word meaning “Fishing place at the boundaries - neutral meeting grounds”. Luckily for the linguistically impaired, Webster Lake works just as well. The lake has the dubious distinction of being the place with the longest name in the United States and one of the longest in the world. The Massachusetts' lake has a population of warm water fish species including sunfish, bass, pike and trout that anglers may test their skills against. Jim invites influence from Herbert Welch's Kennebago Streamer and Cupsuptic as seen in the peacock herl and floss butt section. The fly has been used to chase both salmon and trout throughout Northern Maine, Massachusetts and into parts of Canada. 

Streamers365 - Vol 3 - Darren MacEachern

Friday, February 21, 2025

White Tiger

White Tiger

Hook - Mustad 3907 B #4 or substitute

Thread - White flat waxed nylon 

Tag - Flat silver tinsel 

Tail - Orange schlappen fibers 

Body - Orange floss 

Rib - Silver oval tinsel 

Throat - Orange schlappen fibers 

Wing: White hackle flanked by grizzly hackle 

Eye - Jungle cock nail 

Author's Note

While researching for the Streamers 365 project, Darren was unable to find Gray Wolf's website as it had been taken offline when he retired in 2009/2010. Darren was lucky enough to find a cache of images on an archive of Gray Wolf's site, and among the images was one for the White Tiger pattern. The pattern may not be 100% correct as he was going off of a small grainy image, but he believes he has caught the spirit of the pattern. 

Originated by Gray Wolf

Streamers 365 - Vol 1 - Darren MacEachern

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Danny's Special

Danny's Special

Hook - Long streamer
Thread - Black
Ribbing - Flat silver tinsel
Body - Black floss
Wing - White bucktail under 4 yellow hackles
Eyes - Jungle cock

Streamers365 - Vol 3 - Darren MacEachern

Author's Note

Dan Legere was taught to tie under the watchful eye of his father and was encouraged to experiment with designs of his own. The pattern was created and tested on Maine's Mousam Pond and Square Pond and proved to be successful with the resident brown trout. Dan's parents later tested the streamer in
Northern Maine's famous Moosehead Lake and other regional lakes. Dan's creation again came through successfully, this time in pursuit of landlocked salmon and brook trout. Dan originally tied the streamer in a tandem hook configuration and a large sized 'A' thread was used to create the body rather than floss.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Saguenay Streamer

Saguenay Streamer

Hook - Streamer

Thread - Black

Tail - Golden pheasant tippet 

Body - Gold embossed tinsel 

Throat - Yellow hackle tied collar style and gathered down 

Wing - 2 yellow hackles flanked by grizzly hackles 

Eye - Jungle cock nail, small and rather short 

Originated by Robert E. Coulson

Streamers 365 Vol 1 - Darren MacEachern

Authors Note

The Saguenay Streamer was named for one of Mr. Coulson’s Native American guides. The Saguenay Streamer is part of a trio of streamers originated by Robert E. Coulson of Buffalo, New York. The trio also includes the Lord Denby Streamer and the St. Ignace Streamer which were designed for fishing the large coaster brook trout of Ontario’s Nipigon River. The streamers share a similar style to each other, being dressed with a pulled down collar style throat and the pheasant tippet tails. 

Streamers 365 - Vol 1 - Darren MacEachern

Friday, February 14, 2025

Ibis Guinea

Ibis Guinea 

Tail - Guinea

Ribbing - Silver tinsel

Body - Yellow floss

Hackle - Scarlet

Wing - Scarlet

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth

Thursday, February 13, 2025



Tip - Gold Tinsel

Tail - Barred wood duck topping scarlet

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Claret wool

Hackle - Guinea

Wing - Peacock herl topping scarlet

Trout - Ray Bergman

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Dull Pupa

Dull Pupa 

Hook - Curved 

Bead - White

Thread - Gray

Over Body - Clear buzzer wrap or clear tinsel

Rib - Wine, red or black thread

Body - Tying thread

Thorax - Rust or burnt orange thread

Thread-bodied chironomid pupa patterns such as the Dull Pupa are a wise option when trout are focused on suspending pupa early in the emergence. At this time, the pupae haven't gathered enough gas beneath their skin, which makes them shiny. Bright patterns are not always the best option. Inspired by good friend Brian Chan, the Dull Pupa also uses a clear Buzzer Wrap to protect the thread color so it doesn't change when you apply a protective coating of UV. Resin, superglue or nail polish. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025



Thread - Black

Rib - Oval silver

Body - Flat silver tinsel

Underbelly - White bucktail

Wing - Green over orange bucktail

Cheek - Jungle cock

Forgotten Flies - Schmookler & Sils

Tying Note

May also use black over white painted eyes if no jungle cock is available.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Silver Salmon

Silver Salmon

Thread - Black

Tail - 2 yellow hackle tips

Body - Yellow Floss

Rib - Flat silver tinsel

Throat - Yellow hackle, collared and tied back

Wing - 4 white hackles

Cheek - Jungle Cock

Streamer Fly Tying and Fishing - Joseph D Bates Jr

Silver Ghost

Silver Ghost

Thread - Black

Tail - Yellow hackle barbs

Body - Flat silver tinsel

Rib - Oval silver tinsel

Wing - 4 white hackles

Throat - Yellow hackle

Cheek - Jungle Cock

Trolling Flies for Trout and Salmon - Stewart & Leeman

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Silver Knight Streamer

Silver Knight Streamer 

Hook - Mustad Viking 79580 No.6 

Thread - Black

Tail - Golden pheasant tippets

Rear Half of Body - Flat silver tinsel 

Front Half of Body - Red wool 

Rib - Flat silver tinsel 

Hackle - Black  

Wing - Bronze mallard flank feather

This classic Scottish pattern is basically the same fly as the Peter Ross, with the replacement of the teal wing with one of the barred bronze mallard flank feather. The fly is closely related to the Teal and Red. It is derived from a centuries old pattern known as Franck’s Glittering Fly. The pattern, tied in various sizes, imitates small minnows, and is effective on all trout species.