Saturday, December 30, 2023

Grumpy Frumpy

Grumpy Frumpy

Hook - 2X-long dry-fly hook, size 12

Thread - Red 

Tail - Brown polypropylene yarn

Body - Yellow floss

Back - Tan closed-cell foam

Legs - Rubber legs

Wing - White polypropylene yarn

Hackle - Light brown

Favorite Flies: A Comprehensive Guide to Tying and Fishing the Best Flies Available - David Klausmeyer

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Serial Killer Caddis Pupa

Serial Killer Caddis Pupa

Hook - Curved caddis, size 10-16

Weight - Lead free wire

Thread - Black

Ribbing - Red wire

Under body - Green yarn, tapered

Body - Chartreuse holographic tinsel

Wing case & Antenna - Pheasant tail fibers

Thorax - Hare's ear dubbing

Coat the body with uv resin prior to tying in the wing case

Tuesday, December 19, 2023



North Country Flies - T E Pritt

Thursday, December 14, 2023



Tag - Silver tinsel

Tail - Golden pheasant tippets

Ribbing - Silver tinsel

Body - Green floss

Hackle - Badger

Wing - Bronze mallard over golden pheasant tippets

Fly Patterns of British Columbia - James Lingren



Tail - Gray partridge feather fibers

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel

Body - 1/2 yellow floss, 1/2 claret seal's fur

Hackle - Gray partridge feather fibers

Wing - Guinea fowl wing quill

Fly-2000 database

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Hot Wire Caddis

Hot Wire Caddis

Ken Morrish

Bead - Black/black nickel

Abdomen - Red & Copper wire

Under wing - White goose biots

Over wing - Partridge feather fibers

Flash - 4 strands of krystal flash

Thorax - Peacock herl or dubbing

HotWireCaddis.jpg (640×840) (

Monday, December 11, 2023

Secret Weapon

Secret Weapon

Tail - Golden pheasant tippets

Body - Peacock herl

Wing - White biots

Hackle - Brown

SecretWeapon.jpg (640×840) (

Local Silver Doctor

Local Silver Doctor

Tag - Oval silver tinsel

Tail - Golden pheasant tippets

Butt - Polar bear underfur or seal's fur dyed red (or substitute)

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel

Body - Silver tinsel

Throat - Silver doctor blue hackle

Wing - Underwing of red swan (goose or duck quill fibers) with mallard or teal breast over

Fly Patterns of British Columbia - James Lingren

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Golden Doctor

Golden Doctor

Tail - Scarlet, yellow, green, married

Body - Gold tinsel

Hackle - Claret

Wing - Gray mallard** with narrow strip of married blue and red over each side*

Trout - Ray Bergman

Don Bastian Notes

* The wing recipe originally was written simply as ‘gray mallard, blue, red.’ It has been amended here to accurately reflect the color plate painting and the structure of the wing. Goose shoulder works best for the red and blue stripe overlay because its curvature (top side out) follows the concave shape of the gray mallard flank, but duck wing quill could also be used, curving either in or out depending on your preference.

**My gray mallard supply is pretty drastic in quality. I substituted it with teal.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Smoke On the Water

Smoke On the Water

Bead – Black/black nickel

Gills - White

Ribbing – Black wire

Body – Purple holographic tinsel

Thorax – Peacock herl

Central Alberta Fly Tying Club: January 2014 (

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Weapon of Revenge


Weapon of Revenge

Hook - Mustad 9671, size 14

Thread - Brown

Weight - Lead free wire

Body - Tan and brown medium chenille*

Vinyl cement

*I used ultra chenille. 

The original recipe called for standard medium chenille with the cut ends dipped in vinyl cement to prevent fraying.

Could this have been an early version of the San Juan Worm in 1980? 

Monday, December 4, 2023

Guide's Choice Hare's Ear

Guide's Choice Hare's Ear

Hook - Jig style or your choice

Bead - Gold slotted tungsten

Thread - Hot orange

Tail - Hare's mask guard hairs

Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel

Abdomen - Haree's ear dubbing

Wing case - Pearl tinsel

Thorax - Peacock herl

Hackle - Partridge

Friday, December 1, 2023

Kemp Bug

Kemp Bug

Hook - Mustad 3906B, size 6-12

Thread - Black

Tail - Three or four strands of peacock herl (cut short and stubby, barely past bend) 

Body - Peacock herl 

Hackle - Furnace as a wet fly collar

Wing - Grizzly hackle tips tied flat and slightly splayed (delta style), angling backward for half shank length

Originated by Roy Donnelly

The Book of Fly Patterns: Over 1,000 Patterns for the Construction of Artificial Flies - Eric Leiser

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Skip Nymph

Skip Nymph Regular

Skip Morris 

Hook -Any regular-shank, 1X or 2X long, heavy wire nymph hook sizes 20 to 8. 

Weight - Copper or lead wire.

Thread - Black or brown 

Ribbing - Small copper wire. 

Abdomen And Thorax - Fur from a natural hare’s mask

Tails And Wing Case - Pheasant-tail fibers

Skip Nymph Dark

Hook - Any regular-shank, 1X or 2X long, heavy wire nymph hook sizes 20 to 8. 

Weight - Copper or lead wire.

Thread - Black or brown 

Ribbing - Small copper wire. 

Abdomen And Thorax - Fur from a dyed brown hare’s mask

Tails And Wing Case - Pheasant-tail fibers

Fly Tying Made Clear and Simple: An Easy-to-Follow All-Color Guide - Skip Morris

Monday, November 27, 2023

Brenda's Delight

Brenda's Delight 

Tip - Oval silver tinsel

Tail - Golden pheasant crest feather

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel

Body - Flat silver tinsel

Wing - Sparse black calf tail tied low over the body

Hackle - Scarlet red tied on as a collar and kept sparse

Mike Boudreau of Montreal, Canada, originated this pattern. 

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

Wednesday, November 22, 2023



Tip - Gold tinsel

Tail - Scarlet

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Bosy - Scarlet floss

Hackle - Scarlet

Wing - White with scarlet stripe

Trout - Ray Bergman

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Candlefish Bucktail

Candlefish Bucktail 

(As dressed by Roy A. Patrick)

Head: Black, usually with white painted eye and black pupil

Body: Medium flat silver tinsel. (If no ribbing is used, embossed tinsel is preferable.)

Ribbing: Medium oval silver tinsel (optional)

Wing: A very small bunch of white polar bear hair, over which is a very small bunch of pale green(*) polar bear hair, over which is a very small bunch of pale blue(*) polar bear hair. These three bunches make up the lower third of the wing. The middle third is a small bunch of medium red polar bear hair. Over this is a very small bunch of pale blue polar bear hair, over which is a very small bunch of pale green polar bear hair. As an optional topping a very small bunch of French blue (or violet) polar bear hair may be added. If this topping is not added, the two colors marked with an asterisk may also be eliminated. All the colors of hair are of the same length, extending well beyond the end of the hook.

Streamer Fly Tying and Fishing - Joseph Bates

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Radical Caddis - Tan

Radical Caddis - Tan

Head - Copper bead

Weight - .015 lead free wire

Thread - Tan

Underbody - Ginger z-lon

Body - 3 amber glass beads strung on monofilament and coated with uv resin

Overbody - Ginger z-lon. Cover the tie in with hare's ear dubbing

Wing - Gray or olive cdc

Side flash - Pearl flashabou or tinsel

Thorax - Peacock ice dubbing

Legs - Partridge hackle

Collar - Brown ostrich herl

Thursday, November 16, 2023



Hook - Wet fly

Thread - Black

Tail - Wood duck or Mandarin

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Yellow wool

Hackle - Claret

Wing - 1/2 Black and 1/2 white married, jungle cock eye

Trout - Ray Bergman

Wednesday, November 15, 2023



Tip - Black silk

Ribbing - Black silk

Body - Blue green floss

Hackle - Dark brown

Wing - Slate

Trout - Ray Bergman

Sunday, November 12, 2023



Tip - Gold tinsel

Tail - Brown over white duck/goose quill segments

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Scarlet floss

Hackle - Scarlet 

Wing - Guinea

Trout - Ray Bergman

Friday, November 10, 2023

La Diane du Suroit

La Diane du Suroit

Philippe Desfossés

Body - Flashabou Accent in green Highlander or substitute

Wings - Wood duck flank feather 

Throat - Wood duck flank feather 

Thorax - Green (No. 57) and black Scintilla or substitute



Tip - Red floss

Tail - Orange 

Body - Yellow floss 

Hackle - Black

Wing - Gray mallard

Trout - Ray Bergman

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Golden Dun Midge


Golden Dun Midge

Tail - Gray 

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Pale green floss

Hackle - Gray hen

Wings - Light slate

Trout - Ray Bergman

Golden Dun

Golden Dun

Tail - Gray 

Body - Orange floss or wool

Hackle - Gray hen

Wings - Gray (slate)

Trout - Ray Bergman



Hook- Wet fly

Thread - White under body, black head

Tail - Scarlet & yellow, married

Tip - Peacock tag

Body - White floss

Hackle - Brown

Wing - Slate

Trout - Ray Bergman



Tip - Gold tinsel

Tail - Mandarin

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Brown wool

Hackle - Brown

Wing - Barred mandarin

Trout - Ray Bergman

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Lefty's Deceiver

Lefty's Deceiver

Lefty Kreh

Hook - Salt water style

Thread - White

Tail - White saddle hackles

Flash - Pearl krystal flash

Body - Silver body braid

Wing - White bucktail

Overwing - Chartreuse bucktail

Gills - Red

Eyes - Painted white over black

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Hale Bopp Leech

Hale Bopp Leech - Black

Head - Gold bead

Weight - Lead free wire

Collar/gills - Red thread

Tail - Black marabou

Body - Black angora goat or mohair yarn

Can also be tied in different colors

Monday, November 6, 2023

Louisiana Mickey Finn

Louisiana Mickey Finn

Tail - Barred wood duck

Butt - Orange chenille

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Silver tinsel chenille

Wing - Yellow, red, yellow bucktail

Shoulder - Barred wood duck

Eyes - Painted red over yellow

Perrault's Standard Dictionary of Fishing Flies - Keith Perrault

Forgotten Flies - Schmookler & Sils

York's Kennebago

York's Kennebago

Tag - Silver tinsel

Tail - Golden pheasant crest

Butt - Red floss

Body - Silver tinsel

Ribbing - Silver oval tinsel

Throat - Red hackle

Wing - Badger hackles with a tuft of red hackle at the front

Eyes - Jungle cock

Notes: York's Kennebago was originated by Mr. Bert Quimby and named after Mr. T. Lewis York, the owner of York's camp. The camp was situated on the shores of Kennebago Lake and catered to wealthy professionals and sportsmen. The York's Kennebago was created to mimic the chub and dace baitfish species found in the lakes around the camp. While over his career, he created a number of flies including the Lady Ghost, Governor Brann and the Dusty Streamer, he himself favored York's Kennebago along with the Lady Ghost over the others.

Streamer Fly Tying & Fishing - Joseph D. Bates, Jr

Sunday, November 5, 2023

FC Minnow

FC Minnow

Rib - Medium red wire

Body - Gold tinsel 

Wing - Brown bucktail over red bucktail

Tomorrow's Fish: And The View from My Vise - R E Long

Northwest Jack


Northwest Jack 

Hook - 4x Long streamer hook, size 4-8 

Thread - Black

Tail - Moose body hair

Rib - Medium gold wire

Body - Silver Mylar 

Throat - Dyed red golden pheasant tippet

Wing - Black bucktail over blue super hair*

*I substituted blue krystal flash

Tomorrow's Fish: And The View From My Vise - R E Long

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Dr Mummy

Dr Mummy

Hook - Mustad 9671, size 4-6-8

Tying thread - Body - Black nymo; Head - Red

Tail - Golden pheasant tippet

Butt - Peacock herl

Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel

Hackle - Hot orange

Under wing - Pheasant tail fibers

Over wing - Gray mallard flank

Cheek - Jungle cock

Note - The above recipe is from Montana Trout Flies by George F Grant (Spiral bound paper back)

Dr Mummy

Hook - Wilson Salmon, TUE, Size 4-6-8 or Mustad 9671

Thread - Nymo or monocord, black

Tip - Flat gold tinsel

Tail - Golden pheasant tippet

Butt - Peacock herl

Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel

Body - Black floss

Hackle - Hot orange

Under wing - Pheasant tail fibers

Over wing - Gray mallard flank

Cheek - Jungle cock

Note - The above recipe is from Montana Trout Flies by George F Grant (Hard back with color fly plates)

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Ausable Queen

Ausable Queen

Hook - Dry fly

Thread - Black

Egg Sac - Green yarn

Body - Peacock Herl

Wing - White deer hair or substitute

Hackle - Ginger

This is a little-known pattern of Ann Schweigert. The pattern is from the 1950’s.

AuSableQueen.pdf - Google Drive

Saturday, October 28, 2023



Tail - Gray mallard 

Tip - Yellow silk

Ribbing -Yellow silk

Body - Light gray floss

Hackle - Brown 

Wing - Brown mallard

Trout - Ray Bergman

Yellow Dun

Yellow Dun

Ribbing - Yellow silk

Body - Gray fur

Hackle -Yellow

Wings - Brown mallard

Trout - Ray Bergman

Friday, October 27, 2023



Tail - Furnace hackle tips *
Body - Green floss

Hackle - Light brown furnace

Wing - Teal

Trout - Ray Bergman

Don Bastian Note

* Dr. Burke’s detail-oriented paintings reveal that the tail ingredient of ‘furnace hackle’ on the Dorset in the original written recipe listing (normally fibers) is clearly represented as hackle tips on the painting. See the Adirondack, where the tail recipe actually specifies hackle tips, even though Dr. Burke’s painting of that fly shows a tail of hackle fibers. The hackle tip tail adds a unique element and character to both the Adirondack and the Dorset.

Heckham Red

Heckham Red

Tip - White floss 
Tail - Turkey brown 

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Scarlet floss

Hackle - Brown hen

Wings - Bittern or light brown mottled turkey

Trout - Ray Bergman

Thursday, October 26, 2023



Thread - White

Tip - Gold tinsel

Tail - Blue over yellow duck quill

Ribbing - Blue uni stretch

Body - Yellow uni stretch

Throat - Blue over yellow hen hackle

Wing - Blue over yellow duck quill

Head - Blue and yellow sharpie marker



Tag - Gold tinsel *

Tail - Yellow and black – married **

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Yellow floss

Hackle - Deep yellow

Wing - Widgeon or gray mallard ***

Trout - Ray Bergman

Don Bastian Notes

* The gold tinsel tag is not listed in the Trout recipe, but it is visible on the color plate.

** The written recipe for the tail is ‘yellow and black-alternate.’ Differing from the usual listing for a married tail, Dr. Burke’s painting indicates a separation at the end of the tail, revealing a married tail of yellow and black with left and right sides.

*** The wing may also be teal.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Governor Alvord

Governor Alvord

Tail - Dark scarlet

Body - Peacock herl*

Hackle - Brown

Wing - Slate married to cinnamon*

Trout - Ray Bergman

Don Bastian Note

* The Governor Alvord has the unique status of being the only peacock herl-bodied fly in all of Ray Bergman’s books with a married wing. When two colors are listed for a married wing as on the Governor Alvord the sections are normally equal in width.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Golden Girl

Golden Girl

Roderick Haig-Brown, 1940s

Tip - Gold oval tinsel (fine) 

Tag - Orange silk 

Tail - Golden pheasant crest 

Body - Gold flat tinsel

Hackle: Yellow 

Wing - Orange polar bear hair*, two golden pheasant tippet feathers 

Topping - Golden pheasant crest

*I used orange bucktail

Classic Steelhead Flies - John Shewey

The preeminent British Columbia fly-angling historian, Arthur Lingren, produced two editions of Fly Patterns of British Columbia, one of several titles he has released through Frank Amato Publications. The original edition found a waiting audience in 1996, and then in 2008, Lingren again demonstrated his grasp of historical research methodology in an expanded edition timed to coincide with the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Roderick Haig-Brown, the pioneering, British-born angler who fell in love with the waters of British Columbia and penned some of fly angling’s most poignant and powerful words. Lingren’s expanded volume was subtitled The Roderick Haig-Brown Centenary Edition and it is replete with captivating details about Haig-Brown and other prominent fly designers of British Columbia. 

Of the Golden Girl, Lingren informs the reader that Haig-Brown devised this fly chiefly for winter steelhead; he wanted a simple fly dressed in shades of red and orange that would bear some resemblance to the ornate feather wing Atlantic salmon flies he knew so well from his British upbringing. “The pattern Haig-Brown developed,” explains Lingren, “was a combination of the slim-bodied Red Sandy and the golden pheasant tippet-winged Durham Ranger without many of the frills.” 

Lingren notes that the original dressing had a tail made from the small red feather of the Indian fruit crow (a South American bird of the Cotinga family), but that eventually Haig-Brown opted instead for a golden pheasant crest feather (a “topping,” to use the Atlantic salmon parlance) for the tail. Indeed, the topping-tailed version is the familiar pattern, though the fly looks nothing short of riveting when the golden pheasant crest tail is itself topped with a layer of fruit crow feathers or substitutes, such as small, scarlet-dyed hen neck feathers or likewise dyed golden pheasant throat feathers. In later versions, Haig-Brown also included a tag of orange silk, which is made all the more lustrous if underlain and tipped with flat tinsel. As evidence to that variation, Walt Johnson (in the 1990s) supplied me with copies of steelhead fly recipes submitted to the Washington Fly Fishing Club in the 1950s and 60s, including a page of patterns submitted by Haig-Brown. 

For the Golden Girl, Haig-Brown specifies a tag of orange silk, and says of the fly, “This is primarily a winter steelhead fly. Have also taken cutthroats and summer steelhead on it in sizes down to No. 8.” The other flies he included are the Quinsam Hackle, Silver Brown, and Stickle-Back.

Thursday, October 19, 2023




Body - Pale yellow floss

Hackle - Black

Wing - Black

Trout - Ray Bergman