Sunday, May 26, 2024

Trout Fin

Trout Fin

Robert Cavanagh

Hook - 3xl nymph

Thread - Black

Tag - Yellow floss

Tail - Golden pheasant crest

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel

Body - Flat silver tinsel

Hackle - Guinea fiber beard

Wing - White over black (equal parts) over red larger section duck or goose quill sections

Perrault's Standard Dictionary of Fishing Flies - Keith Perrault

Trout Fin Streamer

Attributed to Keith Fulsher

Hook - 3xl nymph

Thread - Black

Tail - Red goose or swan

Ribbing - Fine silver wire or oval silver (Optional)

Body - Flat silver tinsel

Hackle - Cream badger hackle

Wing - Married goose or swan (from the bottom) red, black and white

Cheek - Jungle cock (Optional)

Tied per the photo in the following book

Forgotten Flies - Schmookler and Sils

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